Lomba Menulis Esai
Nutrition-Health Critical Essay for University Student Competition
Pendaftaran : 1 Juni 2014 – 31 Agustus 2014
Pengumuman : 21 September 2014
Tema : “Nutrition and Health: Translating Science in the Practice”
1. Nutrigenomic and Nutrigenetic
2. Balance Diet
3. Stunting and Obesity
4. Food Quality and Safety
5. Dehydration and Health
Ketentuan Pendaftaran:
1. Peserta adalah mahasiswa program sarjana dan diploma bidang gizi dan kesehatan (gizi, kedokteran, keperawatan, kebidanan, kesehatan masyarakat dan ilmu pangan)
2. Peserta hanya diperbolehkan mengumpulkan 1 esai
3. Peserta berumur antara 18-25 tahun
4. Peserta mendaftar secara online di http://nutritionfairipb.com
5. Kriteria : orisinil, belum pernah diikutsertakan dalam lomba apapun
6. Peserta juga menyertakan CV, pas photo 3x4, fotocopy KTM, dan surat pernyataan bahwa karya benar-benar orisinil (surat dapat di download di http://nutritionfairipb.com)
7. Peserta memilih satu dari empat sub tema dibawah:
a. Nutrigenomic and Nutrigenetic
b. Balance Diet
c. Obesity
d. Food Quality and Safety
e. Dehydration and Health
8. Esai dikumpulkan dalam bentuk e-file dan dikirimkan ke nucleouscompetitionnf@gmail.com
The five best essay will be awarded as below:
Rp 4.000.000,00 + sertificate + thropy
Rp 3.000.000,00 + sertificate + thropy
III.Rp 2.000.000,00 + sertificate + thropy
Rp.1.000.000,00 + sertificate + thropy
Rp 500.000,00 + sertificate + thropy
Terms and Condition of Essay Writing:
Original (has not been submitted in any competition);
Written in English; Times New Roman size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. Size of paper is A-4/ quarto, left margin 4 cm, right margin 3 cm, top margin 3 cm, and bottom margin 3 cm;
Outline of the essay consists of subtheme code, title, author, university name, email address, phone number, abstract, introduction (background/problems and goals), materials and methods, discussion and result (subject matter, facts, and the critical solution), conclusions and suggestions, references;
Abstract consist of maximum 250 words, using Times New Roman font 11 and line spacing 1;
Maximum number of page is 5 pageswith the systematics as follows:
- Abstractincludes definition of issue or problems which describes specifically. It also can include some opinion or world view of topics and some resume.
- Writer can introduce topics with tesis, based on the issues and purposes of the study. Tesis has to be written in specific word and clearly.
- Authors can describe some materials and methods that is used for study. Informations should be gathered from valid references e.g books, journal, scientific article, etc.
- Discussion based on critical analysis, interpretation, and evaluation using scientific references and writer ideas.
- References are structured by name and year system. It is listed in alphabetical order of the author’s name, year, paper title, and source. Only references cited in the essay are listed in the references.
Esai telah disampaikan dalam bentuk softcopy dan dikirim ke email nucleouscompetitionnf@gmail.com
- Batas waktu pengiriman 31 Agustus, 2014;
- Pengumuman pemenang adalah pada 25 Oktober 2014 melalui website nutritionfairipb.com, sms dan email,
- Malam Penghargaan akan diadakan pada 1 November 2014 di Widya Graha Wisuda, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Formulir Pendaftaran : http://nutritionfairipb.com/formulir-pendaftaran-nucleous-competition/
Info selengkapnya mengenai Lomba Menulis diatas hubungi :
CP: Wijiyanti (08977281404) & Neta (085311237150)
Website : http://nutritionfairipb.com
FB : Nutrition Fair IPB
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